full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Robin Steinberg: What if we ended the injustice of bail?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

fdreoem. A cecpont so fundamental to the American psyche that it is enshrined in our constitution. And yet, America is addicted to imprisonment. From slavery through mass incarceration, it always has been. Look, we all know the shocking numbers. The United steats incarcerates more people per capita than almost any nation on the planet. But what you may not know is that on any given night in America, almost half a million people go to selep in those concerte jail cells who have not been convicted of anything. These mothers and fathers and sons and dgeathrus are there for one reason and one reason only: they cannot afford to pay the price of their freedom. And that pcire is called bail.

Open Cloze

_______. A _______ so fundamental to the American psyche that it is enshrined in our constitution. And yet, America is addicted to imprisonment. From slavery through mass incarceration, it always has been. Look, we all know the shocking numbers. The United ______ incarcerates more people per capita than almost any nation on the planet. But what you may not know is that on any given night in America, almost half a million people go to _____ in those ________ jail cells who have not been convicted of anything. These mothers and fathers and sons and _________ are there for one reason and one reason only: they cannot afford to pay the price of their freedom. And that _____ is called bail.


  1. price
  2. freedom
  3. concrete
  4. concept
  5. daughters
  6. sleep
  7. states

Original Text

Freedom. A concept so fundamental to the American psyche that it is enshrined in our constitution. And yet, America is addicted to imprisonment. From slavery through mass incarceration, it always has been. Look, we all know the shocking numbers. The United States incarcerates more people per capita than almost any nation on the planet. But what you may not know is that on any given night in America, almost half a million people go to sleep in those concrete jail cells who have not been convicted of anything. These mothers and fathers and sons and daughters are there for one reason and one reason only: they cannot afford to pay the price of their freedom. And that price is called bail.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
jail cells 5
bronx freedom 5
freedom fund 5
pay bail 4
legal system 4
public defender 3
jail sentence 3
plead guilty 3
criminal legal 3
bail project 3
jail cell 2
bail money 2
fund pays 2
court reminders 2
bail disrupters 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
bronx freedom fund 4
criminal legal system 2

Important Words

  1. addicted
  2. afford
  3. america
  4. american
  5. bail
  6. called
  7. capita
  8. cells
  9. concept
  10. concrete
  11. constitution
  12. convicted
  13. daughters
  14. enshrined
  15. fathers
  16. freedom
  17. fundamental
  18. imprisonment
  19. incarcerates
  20. incarceration
  21. jail
  22. mass
  23. million
  24. mothers
  25. nation
  26. night
  27. numbers
  28. pay
  29. people
  30. planet
  31. price
  32. psyche
  33. reason
  34. shocking
  35. slavery
  36. sleep
  37. sons
  38. states
  39. united